Frequently Asked Questions

How to search for products?

Simply type the product name in the Search Bar at the top of any page. Try to enter a general description. The more words you use, the less products you will get on the results page. When you find a product you’re interested in, simply click on its name or image for more details.

Do I need to create an account to place an order?

It’s not a must: you can place your order even if you don’t have an account or aren’t logged in.

How do I place an order?

On the product page with the item you like, select the color or other product variation (if any) you like the most and click the Add to Cart button.

As soon as you’ve added everything you wanted to your cart, click on the Proceed to Checkout button.

You will see the list of items you’re ordering and will be able to remove, add, or edit anything if necessary.

Ensure your shipping details are correctly filled in, and click the Complete Order button. Finally, select the payment method that’s most convenient to you, and check out.

How do you protect my personal details when I register and check out?

We offer the highest security possible at all times to ensure that online transactions keep your personal information safe.

Following the industry standards, we use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt the information you share with us such as your name, address, and payment details..

Can I buy your items and send them to someone as a gift?

Yes! Simply use this person’s address as the shipping address when you place an order. There will be no price tags on or within the package!

Can I change or cancel my order?

Yes, if your order has been paid and you need to change or cancel it, you can do this within 12 hours of placing it.

To edit your order details or cancel the purchase, simply use the Contact Us form to send us an email.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept major credit cards and PayPal.

Do you offer international shipping?

We ship exclusively to the United States.

What is your return policy?

We have a 30-day return policy. Please see our Returns page here for more information.

How long does shipping take?

Shipping times vary depending on the destination. Please see our Shipping page here for more information.

Can I track my order?

Yes, you will receive a tracking number once your order has shipped.

How can I contact customer service?

You can contact us through our Contact page here or by emailing

Do you have a physical store?

No, we are an online-only store.

An item is missing, wrong, or damaged in my package. What should I do?

We’re sorry it’s happened to you! Kindly use the Contact Us form to contact us and tell us all the order details so we can sort it out for you.

Do you offer discounts or promotions?

Yes, we occasionally offer discounts and promotions. Please sign up for our newsletter to stay informed.


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